
References for November 2022

Ford, K. (2019, February 7). Differentiated instruction for English language learners. Colorín Colorado.

Meador, D. (2019, October 30). How depth of knowledge drives learning and assessment. ThoughtCo. Retrieved November 27, 2022, from,students%20do%20during%20assessment%20and%20other%20standards-driven%20evaluation.

Mulvahill, E. (2018, May 22). What is genius hour and how can I try it in my classroom? We Are Teachers. Retrieved November 27, 2022, from

Stallord, J. (2016, August 19). Use PLT and differentiated instruction to reach diverse learners. Project 

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Usher, K. (2019, April 10). Differentiating by offering choices. Edutopia. Retrieved November 27, 2022, from

Work, J. (2014, May 6). Uppervention: Meeting the needs of gifted and talented students. Edutopia. Retrieved November 27, 2022, from


References for January 2022

Alrubail, R. (2015). Debunking the Myths of English Language Learners. Edutopia. Retrieved 31 January 2022, from

Degrose, M. (2022). Methodologies of Structured English Immersion. Presentation, Grand Canyon University.

DeGrose, M. (2022). Methods of Structured English Immersion: SEI Program Models. Presentation, Grand Canyon University.

Arizona Department of Education. (2021). SEI PROGRAM MODEL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE [Pdf]. Retrieved 31 January 2022, from

Vaughn, M. (2020). What is student agency and why is it needed now more than ever?. Retrieved 31 January 2022, from

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