Five Ways to Differentiate for English Language Learners

Differentiation for English Language Learners can range from technology integrated throughout the lesson  to including translated directions, and reading in their native language and English so they can make those all important language connections. 

English Language Learner students often come from different countries and experiences that those of us in America truly can't even begin to understand and as educators it is our responsibility to differentiate and make adjustments to our instruction and assessment so that they have all the tools needed to succeed in our classrooms. 

That being said here are five tried and true ways to differentiate for English Language Learners in your classroom: 
  1. Have a wide variety of research-based instructional strategies at hand: Teachers who use this method understand that a one sized fits all approach doesn't work when it comes to teaching. These teachers will offer English Language Learner students a wide variety of resources to use when doing their assignments and have a variety of resources in their tool box to use to help them and stay current on their research about differentiating and helping ELL students (Ford, 2019). 
  2. Have high expectations for all students: English Language Learners have a wide range of experience and cultural knowledge to share with their teacher and class and instruction should not be watered down because they are learning the English Language. Teachers who use this method understand that every student can learn and makes instruction and assessment compatible with their English Proficiency level and gives these students the chance to show their unique experience and knowledge with their classmates and on their assignments (Ford, 2019). 
  3. Use ongoing assessment to guide instruction: Assessment is crucial in understanding where your English Language Learners are at in their academic journey. Teachers who use this method understand the importance of frequent informal assessments that measure students needs and gives them clues into how to adjust to their ever changing and developing academic levels and needs (Ford, 2019). 
  4. Collaborate:  Collaboration is so important to meeting English Language Learners where they are and meeting their individual needs. Teacher who use this method understand and utilize that students learn as much from each other as they do from the teacher and will use group work and collaboration in their classrooms with ELL students (Ford, 2019). The second aspect to this is method is collaboration among teachers. Teachers who have ELL students can and should share ideas with each other and their experiences of what has worked and what hasn't worked in differentiating with ELL students (Ford, 2019). 
  5. Provide multiple types of assessments: Assessment is crucial to an English Language Learners success and growth in the classroom. Teachers who use this method understand and adapt assessments to meet the individual learning needs and English Proficiency Level of their students (Ford, 2019). Whether this is a different assessment with different questions or allowing them to take their assessment differently (orally, in groups) (Ford, 2019). 
Resource used: Ford, K. (2019) Differentiated instruction for English language learners, Colorín Colorado. Colorín Colorado. 


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